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- License: Captain America
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Captain America (3) 2001: A Space Odyssey (2) Action Man (1) Adventure Time (3) Alien (1979 movie) (2) Alien Covenant (2) Aliens (1986 movie) (1) American Dad (1) A Nightmare on Elm Street (2) Ant-man (1) Assassin's Creed (1) Assassin's Creed (2016 movie) (2) Assassin's Creed Origins (1) AT-AT walker (1) Avengers (2) Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015 movie) (1) Avengers: Infinity War (2018 movie) (4) Batman (7) Batman: Arkham (Game Series) (1) Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice (2016 movie) (3) Black Panther (2) Blade Runner 2049 (4) Call of Duty Black Ops 4 (2) Captain America: Civil War (2016 movie) (1) Carnage (1) Darth Vader (2) Deadpool (14) Deus Ex: Mankind Divided (1) Dishonored 2 (1) Fantastic Beasts (2) Fast & Furious (1) Friday the 13th (1) Friends (tv series) (3) G.I. Joe (3) Game of Thrones X The Simpsons (1) Gears of War (2) Ghostbusters (2) Guardians of the Galaxy (2014 movie) (4) Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017 movie) (3) Harley Quinn (3) Iron Man (2) It (1) IT Chaper 2 (2) Jurassic World (2015 movie) (1) Justice League (2) Kong: Skull Island (2017 movie) (1) Magneto (1) Marvel (2) Overwatch (2016 video game) (2) Ready Player One (1) Resident Evil (1) Rick and Morty (11) Riverdale (4) Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016 movie) (2) Snow White (1) Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018 movie) (3) Spider-Man (2) Star Trek (1) Star Wars (6) Star Wars: The Last Jedi (2017 movie) (1) Star Wars A New Hope (1) Star War The Empire Strikes Back (1) Stormtrooper (2) Suicide Squad (2016) (1) Superman (1) The Incredible Hulk (3) The Incredibles (1) The Joker (3) The Legend of Zelda (4) The Terminator (2) The Walking Dead (2) Thor (3) Tom and Jerry (1) Toy Story (1) Transformers (2) Uncharted 4: A Thief's End (1) Valerian And The City Of A Thousand Planets (2) Venom (1) Venom (2018 Movie) (1) Wolverine (2) Wonder Woman (3) X-Men (2) Yoda (2)
If you’ve watched the first Thor movie (and read the comic if it says it in there too), Odin whispers to the hammer that if the wielder is worthy, they will be granted the power of Thor. Although he doesn’t lift it in the movie, Captain America is very much worthy and during a battle he lifted Thor’s hammer and managed to use it against his foes. Never has a level of awesomeness been so high.
Captain America has a back story as tragic as any super-hero. Growing up Steve Rogers, a weak and sickly boy in a poor family, he suffered the loss of his father when he was a youngster, and then his mother when he was a teen. Spurred by wartime propaganda, he tried to enlist in the army, only to fail due to his physical inadequacies. However, one dose of super soldier serum later and… We have Captain America, the All-American hero, as American as apple pie. Cap hasn’t always been on good terms with America. He’s lost faith in the USA more than once. In the 70’s Marvel played out events echoingthat of the Watergate scandal. This led to a new costume and name, the Nomad.During this era he became known as the ‘Man Without a Country’. Then in the late 90’s after losing faith in the American Government, he loses the patriotism from his name and is known simply as, The Captain.