When the original Red and Blue games were released, Mewtwo was considered pretty much unbeatable. Its stats far surpassed anything else in the game, making him the strongest offensive fighter in the franchise at that point. Since then, hundreds of other species have come into the mix, including the addition of Dark type Pokemon which are super effective against Psychic types. With the inclusion of dozens of other legendary Pokemon with even beefier attacks, Mewtwo has all but been left behind in the dust. He was still good, but not great.
Fortunately, with the inclusion of Mega Evolution, Mewtwo is right back on top. Mewtwo Y and X are now tied with Mega Rayquaza (another Legendary beast of a Pokemon) with the highest base stats of 780. The Y version is especially powerful, with a mind-boggling special attack base stat of 194. Just to put that into perspective, the original Mewtwo only had a base stat of 154, and he was at one time considered the most powerful in the series! Even Arceus, the Pokemon God, only has a base stat total of 720, 60 points less than Mega Evolved Mewtwo. It says a lot when your power even surpasses that of a God.
The All Terrain Armored Transport, or AT-AT walker, is a four-legged transport and combat vehicle used by the Imperial ground forces. Standing over 20 meters tall with blast-impervious armor plating, these massive constructs are used as much for psychological effect as they are for tactical advantage.
The hyperdrive was a propulsion system that allowed a starship to reach lightspeed and traverse the void between stars in the alternate dimension of hyperspace. As a consequence, the hyperdrive was a key instrument in shaping galactic society, trade, politics and war.
The hyperdrive functioned by sending hypermatter particles to hurl a ship into hyperspace while preserving the vessel's mass/energy profile, and required a functional hyperdrive motivator to do so. The vessel then traveled along a programmed course until it dropped back into normal space—realspace—at its destination.
Being short-range craft, most starfighters lacked a hyperdrive. This was notably the case with the Galactic Empire's TIE fighters, which had to be ferried to combat zones aboard larger ships. However, the X-wing and A-Wing starfighters used by the Rebel Alliance were fitted with hyperdrives, allowing them to make long-range jumps.
Upon entering hyperspace, a ship emitted cronau radiation, which was possible to detect with specialized sensor suites.
Large objects in normal space cast "mass shadows" in hyperspace, thus hyperspace jumps required accurate plotting to avoid collisions, which were often fatal.
Later technologies could pull vessels out of hyperspace: for instance, interdiction fields created gravitational shadows, simulating mass, in the path of an oncoming vessel, yanking the vessel out of hyperspace. Imperial technologists developed the widely used Interdictor cruisers and their various sub-models, one of the most effective interdiction technologies.