The initial lineup of the Justice League of America, which debuted in 1960, included only one female superhero: Wonder Woman. Also included on the team were Superman, Batman, Martian Manhunter, Flash, Green Lantern, and Aquaman. Eventually, more females joined, including Zatanna and Hawkwoman. Wonder Woman is almost always depicted as a founding member, sometimes even acting as the groups leader along with Superman and Batman.
However, during one reboot, Wonder Woman was replaced with Black Canary as a founding member of the new Justice League. Wonder Woman was eventually given her founding member status back though. The latest version of the Justice League in the New 52, which drops “America” from its title, features Wonder Woman as the only female founding member once again, but Atom (Rhonda Pineda) and Elemental Women also join the team.
The game is set in the kingdom of Hyrule. A youth named Link sets out on a quest to prevent the thief Ganondorf, the prime antagonist of the Legend of Zelda series, from obtaining the Triforce, a magical relic of omnipotent power, an event foretold by the prophetic Princess Zelda. Due to unforeseen circumstances, Ganondorf successfully obtains part of the Triforce. By traveling back and forth through time using the mythical Master Sword, Link must amass the Six Medallions needed to defeat Ganondorf and restore peace to Hyrule.
One of the more unique moments in all of Batman history came in 1988 with the Batman: A Death in the Family story. Dick Grayson had moved on to become Nightwing, and Batman had taken on a new boy wonder, Jason Todd. Unfortunately, fans didn’t like the way the green tights looked on Jason nearly as much, so DC let its fans make the call: should the Joker kill Jason Todd? This is the days before the internet, so they gave fans a dial in number to cast their votes. And vote the fans did, with “kill” winning by a narrow margin of less than half a percent.
The fans had spoken. When Jason Todd tries to track down his long lost mother, the Joker abducts them both, proceeding to beat Jason with a crowbar before abandoning them in a warehouse with a ticking time bomb. Jason attempts to shield his mother from the bomb, but he’s too late, and both perish in the explosion. This is a comic book, so of course he would return from the dead years later, but that doesn’t make the image of Joker swinging a crowbar any less brutal.
The Mandarin Almost Appeared in the First ‘Iron Man’. An early script for the first ‘Iron Man’ movie featured the Mandarin, but director Jon Favreau killed the idea because he thought the character was too “fantastical.” Instead, Stark is captured in the beginning of the flick by a terrorist group known as the Ten Rings, which is a direct reference to the supervillain’s rings of power. It also provides a nifty bit of continuity for the third ‘Iron Man’ installment
Star Trek is famed for featuring the first interracial kiss on television, between Captain Kirk and Lt. Uhura. But in the episode's actual script, the kiss was meant to have been between Uhura and Spock,. According to Nichelle Nichols who played Uhura, Shatner pulled rank. "My understanding is Bill Shatner took one look at the scene and said, 'No you will not! If anyone's going to be part of the first interracial kiss in television history, it's going to be me!' So they rewrote it."
Spock and Uhura did however have a brief romance in Star Trek the movie.