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Callum Lynch is a modern day descendant of the 15th century Spanish Assassin Aguilar de Nerha.
A criminal, Lynch was scheduled to be executed. However, the Templars had learned of his Assassin ancestry and faked his death so they could access de Nerha's memories during the Spanish Inquisition.They revived him the following day at an Abstergo facility for use in Animus experiments.
Batman Beyond takes place decades in the future, when Bruce Wayne is a bitter old man who's given up on being Batman. (There's a heartbreaking scene early on where Bruce almost uses a gun, something he swore never to do.) A teenager named Terry McGinnis discovers Bruce's secret, and also finds out that the new CEO of WayneCorp (now called Wayne-Powers) is developing biological weapons and killed Terry's father. Terry winds up becoming the new Batman, with Bruce Wayne giving him pretty much constant advice from the Batcave, via Terry's earpiece. The two of them fight crime as a team, eventually saving the world a few times. Oh, and Terry's Batsuit is like a cybernetic suit of power armor, that can fly and do other awesome stuff.
Harley Quinn, real name Harleen Quinzel, was the sidekick and pseudo-girlfriend of the Joker. She occasionally struck out on her own, and often served as a roommate/accomplice to Poison Ivy.
Marvel Comics and DC Comics have co-owned the trademark for the phrase “super hero” since 1981. They pursued this action because the toy company Mego, which made licensed toys of DC characters, had beat them to it. Mego gave up the trademark when the two companies threatened legal action.
Captain America has a back story as tragic as any super-hero. Growing up Steve Rogers, a weak and sickly boy in a poor family, he suffered the loss of his father when he was a youngster, and then his mother when he was a teen. Spurred by wartime propaganda, he tried to enlist in the army, only to fail due to his physical inadequacies. However, one dose of super soldier serum later and… We have Captain America, the All-American hero, as American as apple pie. Cap hasn’t always been on good terms with America. He’s lost faith in the USA more than once. In the 70’s Marvel played out events echoingthat of the Watergate scandal. This led to a new costume and name, the Nomad.During this era he became known as the ‘Man Without a Country’. Then in the late 90’s after losing faith in the American Government, he loses the patriotism from his name and is known simply as, The Captain.
When Tony Stark is kidnapped and forced into a cave in the beginning of the first Iron Man film, we as an audience are so wrapped up in what is going on that we focus quite solely on Tony. When Tony finally puts on the suit and takes to dispatching his captors we're looking so closely at what he's doing we fail to notice who exactly he punched in the face and sent flying across the cave. That person was none other than Rage Against the Machine guitarist Tom Morello, who is a friend of director Jon Favreau. Listed in the credits simply as “Guard,” Morello has the honor of being the first person that Tony Stark sucker punchers in his newly invented Iron Man armor. Morello also contributed guitar parts for the film and its sequel. Check out that sequence from the film below.
No physical clone trooper outfits were actually produced for the films. Every clone trooper seen in the Star Wars films was created with CGI.
No physical clone trooper outfits were actually produced for the films. Every clone trooper seen in the Star Wars films was created with CGI.
Mankind faces a new threat as Batman (Ben Affleck) embarks on a personal vendetta against Superman (Henry Cavill).
NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA BATMAN! The famous caped crusader in his simplest form, pencil. A great T for those you appreicate the true art of cartoon.
The Joker has to be the best super villain of all time. But Batman creator Bob Kane was ready to kill off the evil jester in his very first appearance. As with many of Batman’s early villains, the plan was to have the Joker die through some fatal accident. Batman’s editor Whitney Ellsworth saw potential in the character, however, and forced Kane to include a panel showing the Joker coming back to life.
In Tim Burton's Batman, miscommunication between the costume department and prop department meant that Michael Keaton's cowl was too tall to fit inside the Batmobile. The car couldn't be adjusted, so Keaton's cowl had to be shortened.
In the comics, Batman has an online alias. It's JonDoe297. He also has a favorite food: Mulligatawny soup.
A drunk driver collided with a parked Batmobile during filming of “Batman Begins” in the streets of Chicago. The driver reportedly hit the Tumbler in a panic, initially thinking it was an alien spacecraft.